Marco Imperadori – Care Architecture
2024.10.28 Mon.
18:30 – 20:00
Kyoto University, Main Campus, Research Bldg. No 9, 4F, N7
京都大学 吉田キャンパス本部構内 総合研究9号館 4階 N7講義室
Everyone is welcome to join. (Free)
We will also be streaming the event online, so please use it for simultaneous subtitles and review. We would be happy if you could attend in person if possible.
Architecture for care is a delicate subject. Aesthetics is part of the goal, but not in a selfish way. Beauty can be very important to help people with special needs to achieve enhanced relief.
Marco Imperadori is a professor, researcher, and designer based at Politecnico di Milano. He holds an Msc and PhD in Building Engineering but likes to act as an architect. He has been lecturer and visiting professor at many universities and institutions worldwide. In 1998, together with Valentina Gallotti, he founded Atelier 2, a design studio located in Milan, which applies experimental and academic research projects in practice, winning national and international awards and prizes. He is currently Politecnico di Milano Rector’s Delegate for the Far East. He was responsible for Politecnico di Milano in the Building Resilience Network Android (EU-LLP). He represents Politecnico di Milano in the Active House Alliance. With Ginette Caron, he was awarded the GRAND PRIX DU DESIGN 2018 in Canada and in 2019 the project “Il Viaggio della Parola” was selected for ADI Index, being among the finalist projects for Compasso D’Oro. He is the scientific consultant of Arte Sella in relation with the architectural and design installations, member of the Scientific board of Angelo Mangiarotti Foundation, member of the board of Fondazione Pesenti and Honorary Consultant of CAC: Círculo dos Amigos da Cultura de Macau, since 2019.
マルコ・インペラドリは教授、研究者、デザイナーである。建築工学の修士号と博士号を持つが、建築家としての活動も好む。世界各地の大学や教育機関で講師や客員教授を務める。1998年、ヴァレンティーナ・ガロッティとともにミラノにアトリエ2を設立し、実験的・学術的研究プロジェクトを実践し、国内外の賞を受賞。現在、ミラノ工科大学学長代理(極東担当)。ミラノ工科大学では、Building Resilience Network Android (EU-LLP)の責任者を務める。アクティブハウス・アライアンスではミラノ工科大学の代表を務める。ジネット・キャロンとともに、カナダでGRAND PRIX DU DESIGN 2018を受賞し、2019年にはプロジェクト「Il Viaggio della Parola」がADI Indexに選出され、Compasso D’Oroプロジェクトのファイナリストとなった。2019年からはArte Sellaの建築・デザイン・インスタレーションに関する科学コンサルタント、Angelo Mangiarotti Foundationの科学委員会メンバー、Fondazione Pesentiの理事、CAC:Círculo dos Amigos da Cultura de Macauの名誉コンサルタントを務める。